Target group: Academic staff; Technical/administrative staff
Dates: 01.04.2025, 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m and
02.04.2025, 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Location: Seminar room 324, Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum (Building C9), Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. 6
Trainer: Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Schuseil
Course language: German
Work units: 16
Frequency: regular/semester
Registration: until 18.03.2025 on the contact form
Course description - What is the seminar about?
What characterizes me as a person? What strengths and potentials characterize me and how can I make full use of them in the various leadership situations at the university? It is not uncommon for academics to find themselves in challenging technical-lateral or hierarchical leadership situations. Our personality influences how we succeed. to shape leadership and collaboration flexibly and adapted to the situation. The workshop invites you to take an in-depth look at your own personality and leadership.
▪ Getting to know the JPP personality profile (Jungian Personality Profile)
▪ Examination of your own personality patterns and potentials
▪ Inputs on current leadership models and theories
▪ Situational and different - “leadership space” university
▪ Application of the JPP to your own leadership challenges through peer-to-peer exchange and feedback
We work with the JPP (Jungian Personality Profile), a personality profile that sheds light on typical personality traits and is based on C.G. Jung's development theory. According to C.G. Jung, every person is unique, but acts typically according to certain tendencies and patterns. The JPP is a scientifically based tool that helps you to better assess yourself and others and to further develop cooperation and leadership.
Prior to the workshop, participants will receive a link to an online procedure. Here you will fill out a questionnaire, on the basis of which you will receive your JPP profile during the workshop. The result will be sent directly and exclusively to Mr. Schuseil as the trainer of the workshop. Mr. Schuseil is obliged to maintain confidentiality. He will bring your result to the workshop and present it personally to each participant. By registering for the workshop, you agree that your e-mail address and address will be passed on to Mr. Schuseil and the licensor of the JPP, Flow Consulting, in order to set up the online procedure.

Dr. Jacqueline Leßig-Owlanj
Phone: +49 5323 72-2972