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(Teaching) coaching

The aim of teaching coaching in the context of the ProDocTUC/ProDocTUC+ certificate is to make a decision on a problem, implement it and reflect on it.

Teaching advice and teaching observation

As part of a teaching consultation, we make our university didactic expertise available for your specific questions

Self-confident appearance and stage presence

Target group: Academic staff, technical and administrative staff, professors
Date: 21.01. and 22.01.2025

Teaching in international settings

Target group: Academic staff, professors
Date: 05.02 and 14.02.2025

A structured approach to theses - the path to your own guidelines

Target group: Academic staff, technical/administrative staff, professors
Date: 18.02. and 19.02.2025

Problem-based learning

Target group: Academic staff, professors
Dates: 03.03. and 10.03.2025

Well prepared for teaching

Target group: Academic staff, professors
Date: 31.03.2025

Competence-oriented examination forms: From exams to final theses

Target group: Academic staff, professors
Dates: Workshop series 25.04., 09.05., 23.05., 06.06. und 04.07.2025 

A structured approach to final theses - a collegial practical discussion

Target group: academic staff, professors
Date: 21.05.2025

Communicating effectively in courses

Target group: Academic staff, professors
Dates: Workshop series 07.07., 08.07., and 14.07.2025

Teaching and learning in the age of AI

Target group: Academic staff, professors
Dates: 23.09. and 30.09.2025