"First we shape our tools, then they shape us," says John Culkin (media critic and educator). The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) poses new challenges for teaching and testing at universities. At a time when students can harness the power of AI, it is crucial to ensure that they not only use AI as a tool, but that they have an understanding and control over its outcomes, and that they learn responsible and purposeful use of these media.
So how can we ensure that students use AI consciously and purposefully instead of viewing it as a black box? Which tasks are suitable for promoting students' understanding and control of AI and for testing it later on? What significance does AI have for my subject area and what developments are foreseeable here? What action requirements should I prepare my students for in my teaching? Finally, what opportunities do I have to do this in a meaningful way in the context of my course? How can we design teaching and examinations in such a way that students formulate their results in their own words and reflect on and illustrate their thought and work processes? How can we perhaps also integrate reflection on the possibilities and limits of artificial intelligence and its social impact directly into the examination situation?
These and similar questions are the focus of this seminar. We will look at how the possibilities of AI can be meaningfully integrated into teaching and how corresponding examinations can be designed, which formats are perhaps particularly suitable for which objectives, or how predetermined examination formats can be used well in order to ultimately achieve the goal in a reliable and at the same time economically justifiable way.
Please note: the event is not an "AI tool training course", but focuses on didactics, in particular media didactics, i.e. teaching, learning and testing. You are welcome to bring materials from your course to work on.
- AI between technology, your own subject and didactics
- AI, people, awareness and responsibility: current requirements for action in dealing with AI
- DigComp 2.0 of the EU Commission
- Media competence, media reflection, learning & work process reflection
- Possibilities and limits of examination forms when using AI

Dr. Sebastian Walzik