Target group: all employees
Date: 04.09. and 05.09.2023, 1.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Trainer: Dr. Florian Strauß
Course language: German
Work units: 8
Format: Online
Location: Virtual
Registration: By 19.07.2023 via the registration form
Research data management (RDM) has become a central topic in the research process, especially - but not only - because more and more funding bodies are demanding it. RDM is primarily about the conscious and structured handling of (research) data in order to subsequently enable the publication of qualitatively valuable data. Accordingly, consulting services are also offered for the entire research data life cycle, from the data management plan for planning a project to the selection of a suitable repository for publishing the research data with meaningful metadata.
All consultations initially take place with regard to the existing support structures and tools available at Clausthal University of Technology, but also look beyond this if necessary. Of course, there is a constant topic-related exchange with the colleagues at the computer center.
Consultations are held individually, but can also be held for entire teams or even institutes if a common structure is sought. Of course, topics can also be prepared and presented on request.
An important note: it makes most sense to have a consultation at the start of the project; it is not always possible to "rescue" the data at a later date.
In addition to individual consulting, we offer various training formats, also on request.

Dr. Florian Strauß
Phone: +49 5323 72-2276