Advice on equal opportunities, equal opportunities and the compatibility of work or studies and family responsibilities as well as ergonomics in the workplace.
The Equal Opportunities Office is responsible for equal opportunities work, family services and diversity management.
- Advice from the Equal Opportunities Officer on:
- Discrimination or sexual harassment,
- Career options for women (including young female academics, students)
- Gender aspects in research proposals (including the DFG's research-oriented gender equality standards)
- Diversity in teaching and research
Advice from the Family Service:
The Family Service's services are intended to support employees with family responsibilities and offer them the opportunity to reconcile their family responsibilities with their career
Other services offered by the Family Service include
- Vacation childcare services for children aged 6 to 10,
- First aid courses for children for all TU Clausthal employees,
- parent-child meetings
- Events on topics relating to work and family
- Large daycare centers Uni-Luchse and Uni-Mäuse
Advice from the ergonomics consultant on:
- Ergonomic furnishing of and suggestions for healthy vision at computer workstations
- incl. loan of office chairs, seating aids, ergonomic keyboards and mice
incl. tips on movement at the workplace.
Main Equal Opportunities Officer
Dr. Natalia Schaffel-Mancini
Family Service
Kirsten Wiemker, Dipl.-lmchem.
Ergonomics Advisor
Annett Panterodt
Equal Opportunities Office
Leibnizstraße 4 A
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
Phone: +49 5323 72-3106