Target group: Students; academic staff Employees; MA:innen Technology/Administration; Professors
Date: from 05.11.2024 to 28.02.2026 (online)
Location: Simulation workshop (Building C9)
Course language: German
Frequency: irregular
Registration: from October 2024 under Link
The online event series "Care in Focus" is offered every winter semester in cooperation with the family service offices of the universities in Lower Saxony and Bremen.
If you care for or look after relatives or loved ones or organize care for them - even from a distance - or if you are simply interested in the topic or expect to be responsible for care in the future, then register. Participation is free of charge.
The individual events will take place on the following days:
05.11.2024 Self-care in challenging times
07.11.2024 My digital legacy
12.11.2024 "Now I'm caring for myself!" Making the needs of caring parents visible
18.11.2024 The basics of pensions
16.01.2025 Making provisions in legal and medical matters - how does it work?
21.01.2025 Suddenly a private carer: Starting a care situation with confidence
25.02.2025 Care for caregivers - When caregivers need support
* Registrations are only possible from October. There will be an invitation by email.