Target group: Students, academic staff, technical and administrative staff, professors, alumni
Date: 22.10.2024, 5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Location: Gründungszentrum Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Agricolastr. 8, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld)
Trainer: Georg Rekas, seven steps Leadership Coaching
Frequency: irregular
Course language: German
Work units: 3
Motivation is the inner motor that drives us. To be successful, it is therefore important to recognize your own motivational drivers and make use of them.
On the one hand, this workshop deals with the question of what motivations actually exist in the work context. On the other hand, leadership coach Georg Rekas (seven steps - Leadership Coaching) will explore together with the participants how to recognize their own motivators and use them to positively influence their own actions, but also how to recognize the motivators of employees, colleagues, business partners, etc. and how to use this knowledge for professional success. The workshop offers a mixture of theoretical impulses and practical exercises.

Contact person
Jean-Marie Aßmann
Economic Development Advisor
Phone: +49 5321 76 706
Fax: 05321 / 76 99 706