Target group: Academic staff, alumni
Topic: "TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online" (commissioned by the TUC)
Date: 18.11.2024, 12.00 - 13.30
Language: German
Registration: by 10.11.2024 via the registration form
Topic: "TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online" meets "Kaffeeklatsch" (Leipzig University)
Date: 30.01.2025, 12.00 - 13.30
Language: English
Registration: by 22.01.2025 via the registration form registration form
Topic: "TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online" meets "Spill the tea" (University of Münster)
Date: 14.02.2025, 9.00 - 10.30 a.m.
Language: German
Registration: by 06.02.2025 via the registration form registration form
Location: Online; link will be sent after registration.
Frequency: regular/semester
"TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online"
PostDocs from various universities report on their practical experience - a joint offering from graduate institutions at Leuphana University Lüneburg, the University of Münster, Clausthal University of Technology and the Leipzig Science Network -
The majority of postdoctoral careers take place outside academia and universities. According to the Federal Report on Early Career Researchers (2021: 202), "only around one in five or one in six doctoral graduates (...) work in the academic system in the long term" and "a large proportion of doctoral graduates work in the private sector ten years after completing their doctorate". For this reason, the Graduate Academy at Clausthal University of Technology is increasingly offering a variety of programs on the prospects of a non-academic career. A workshop entitled "How to Be More Employable in Industry" last summer semester was followed by a series of information sessions in which postdocs from various sectors of non-academic employment reported.
The "TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online" series kicks off with a former TU Clausthal employee from the field of surveying, who currently works for the internationally based and active surveying company TRE ALTAMIRA S.L.U.. Dr. Diana Walter received her doctorate from Clausthal University of Technology in 2012 and is a former member of Prof. Busch's working group at the Institute of Geotechnics and Mine Surveying.
"TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online" kick-off TU Clausthal
Date: 18.11.2024 | 12.00 - 13.30 | via Zoom
According to a study by the Federal Statistical Office, 85% of doctoral graduates do not remain in the academic system and pursue so-called non-academic careers. But what skills and characteristics are actually helpful in order to get on well in these careers, find your feet and perform accordingly? Traditional academic training at universities and non-university research institutions rarely leads to these career paths and many questions about personal and professional aptitude and potential remain unanswered.
In the new series "TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online", two geoscientists will have their say at the opening session at Clausthal University of Technology and report on their practical experience and entry into a non-academic career. Dr. Diana Walter reports as a surveyor from an internationally active surveying company from a perspective in the private sector. Another graduate in classical geology from Clausthal University of Technology reports on his entry into a career in the public sector and his current position as head of a department there after initially working as a contractor on international projects.
"TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online" meets "Kaffeeklatsch" (Leipzig University)
Date: 30.01.2025 | 12.00 - 13.30 | via Zoom
The Leipzig Science Network is pleased to welcome Dr. Ulrike Wieland (Bertelsmann Foundation) and Dr. Sandra Binder-Tietz (Günter Thiele Foundation & Chair of Communication Management, Leipzig University) on Thursday, January 30 between 12:00 and 13:30. Both speakers will provide insights into their careers, highlight key decision points in their professional development and explain how they were able to benefit from the skills they developed during their doctorate. After a short presentation, they will answer questions from the participants. This coffee talk will be held in English.
"TUC-PostDoc PRAXIS online" meets " Spill the tea! " (University of Münster)
Date: 14.02.2025 | 9.00-10.30 a.m. | via Zoom
- From science to politics (consulting)? -
Did you know that 16% of members of the Bundestag have a doctorate? A look at the organizational charts of the ministries reveals another large number of doctorates. But how does a scientist actually get a job in the political sector? What opportunities are there? And what qualifications should you have? Dr. phil. Ute Symanski (sociologist, coach, science and policy consultant) and Dr. Reinhard Göhner (former Member of the Bundestag & former Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) will provide insights into their wealth of experience from working with and as politicians and answer questions from doctoral students and postdocs from the plenary session.

Contact at TUC
Dipl.-Geol. Caroline Maas
Phone: +49 5323 72-2145