Competence-oriented examination forms: From exams to final theses

Target group: Academic staff, professors

Workshop series
Dates: 25.04., 09.05., 23.05., 06.06., und 04.07.2025, each from 9:00 am - 11:30 am)
Location: Online: Room will be announced to registered participants

Trainer: Florian Kainer
Course language: German
Work units: 3-15
Rhythm: irregular


Workshop series “Competence-oriented examination forms: From exams to final theses”
We cordially invite you to a series of workshops dealing with the design and assessment of examinations from a competence-oriented perspective. The series offers practical insights and methods for selecting and designing examination forms. The examination forms provided for in our General Examination Regulations will be discussed and the competencies that can be tested in each examination form will be highlighted.

The workshop series will take place online on a total of five dates from 9:00 am to 11:30 am.
You can register for each date individually.
We look forward to your participation and a lively exchange on these important topics.

Participants will be able to
- apply the basic principles of competence-oriented examination planning
- identify competencies for different types of examinations - from written examinations to final theses
- apply methods for the fair and comprehensive assessment of examination performance, including the identification and minimization of assessment effects

Topics of the 5 dates:
Date 1 - 25.04.2025; 9:00 am: Introduction to competence-oriented forms of examination
Date 2 - 09.05.2025; 9:00 am: Written exam
Date 3 - 23.05.2025; 9:00 am: Oral examination
Date 4 - 06.06.2025; 9:00 am: Written papers (seminar papers, student research projects, final papers)
Date 5 - 04.07.2025; 9:00 am: Other practical/theoretical work