The disputation is the crowning glory of a long phase of academic training. However, the day is often not looked forward to with serenity and joy. Excitement and doubts about one's own standing dominate the preparation. Use our disputation training to optimize a key competence of successful scientists for this occasion: Presenting your own research results confidently and convincingly. Guide your listeners through a structured world of thought! Mediate confidently between screen and listeners! Inspire them! Become visible and train yourself to present convincing achievements persuasively:
- Psychology of the presentation
- Techniques to increase the conciseness of the content
- Logical and varied structure
- body language presence
- Strategies against stage fright
- Dealing with exam questions and interruptions
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses
Methods used:
Keynote speeches by speakers, guided self-reflection, presentation by participants in plenary, feedback from groups and trainers, problem- and solution-oriented exchange.


Contact TU
Dr. Jacqueline Leßig-Owlanj
Phone: +49 5323 72-2972