Tools for a successful doctorate

Target group: Academic staff
Date: 26.09.2024, 9.00 am - 1.00 pm
Work units: 4
Rhythm:  regular/per semester

Location: Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum (Building C9), room 324,
                   Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6

Trainer: Sigrid Flade (TU Dresden) and Dr. Jacqueline Leßig-Owlanj (TU Clausthal)
Course language: German

The doctorate is an independent and autonomous scientific achievement of the doctoral candidate, which is accompanied by experienced scientists, the supervisors.
Knowledge of the proactive (co-)design of the doctoral project as well as the supervisory relationship is a basic requirement and can positively influence the success of a doctorate. This workshop wants to inform (new) doctoral candidates and those interested in a doctorate and motivate them to actively participate in the design in order to create a good basis for their doctoral project.

Together we will

- discuss your expectations of good supervision and what are the contents of good supervision

- find out what are the legal requirements at TU Clausthal

- get to know approaches for actively shaping the supervisory relationship

- learn how possible conflicts can be prevented and what options for action exist in the event of a conflict.



Sigrid Flade


Dr. Jacqueline Leßig-Owlanj

Phone: +49 5323 72 2972